Women's lit- no
Romance- no
Fiction in general- no
Crazy Business book- no
With teenagers, what on earth could I possibly know about a kid's book?
Lots actually.
Well never mind the fact I, at one time had small children and will never get the experience removed from my psych- no matter how hard I try, I also spend quite a bit of time with my younger godchildren. We go to the library and parks and all those kid places my kids are now to old to go to.
I picked up inspirational zingers for my god daughter Drea. A great book for us to use when we are waiting to get in somewhere. Waiting for our food at a restaurant. Waiting in line. You get the drift.
There was a nice variety of things to do, including,
- Jumbles
- Double Jumbles
- Mystery Person Jumbles
- Word Search Jumbles
- Super Jumbles
- Criss-Cross Jumbles
What a jumble you might ask?
In this book it's usually five or six scrambled words. They are put in the correct order. The child then pulls out the correct circled letter and moves it to the bottom forming a word or quote. See below for a sample.
Any book that keeps a kid from utterly my least favorite phrase (I'm bored (usually said in a whiny tone)) is A-Ok in my book.
this looks like fun - & something to give the class during party time...
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