I love the humor section- this is where I've found other lovely tidbits like Stuff White People Like. Me= 126/128 = Whitest person on the planet. They have a website so you too can see if you qualify for the whitest person on the planet competition- but you can't have my crown. I also found my other fave in this section Grandma's Dead: Breaking Bad News with Baby Animals.
Last night, I had the privilege of seeing the author in person at B & N, my only complaint, OK I have two... 1. Seriously, B & N seriously, seven chairs for 50 people. Way to make the author feel loved. Yeah, we know you are popular. Our entire staff is going to dress up like zombies but we are only going to give your audience seven chairs. 2. Mr. Browne love the fact you came to my hood but you couldn't find a smaller town to go to... what was Lincoln too busy for you? No, I loved that he was only 5 minutes from my house but was a little surprised they didn't send him downtown where more than 50 people would have come to see.
He did tell us Fox____ (Couldn't hear the whole part- 50 tall people were standing in front of me) bought the rights to the movie with some interest from Diablo Cody (Juno, US of Tara) Nice!!!! Very, very nice man! Wonderful speaker. Can't wait for his next book to come out- Fated?? (Again with the tall people) I'm such a geek- had to send in the man-child to pick up my free swag. Sticker- Zombies are people too! www.undeadanonymous.com
Back to Breathers-READ IT. It's funny- plus just seems to make so much sense. Well of course the SPCA would be responsible for rounding up stray zombies- DUH! Main character, Andy Warner, is recently deceased. Picked up the SPCA, he is sent to live in his parent's wine cellar. Andy soon starts to realize being a Zombie is tough- can't see his daughter, beaten up by frat boys, decomposing. How does Andy handle his new life- the same way anyone else would- at an Undead Anonymous meeting, mingling with people just like him. In three words....Dark, Funny, Amazing Realistic...Wait is that four?
Read it...seriously...why are you still here? Go, Go.
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