As a Northern Californian, of course I have to read about the fictional town of Virgin River (a mere 200 fictional miles North) out of sheer loyalty if nothing else. But I have to be in the mood and to be quite frank now wasn't really the best time.
You ever read a book and you just feel instantly uplifted. As though you suddenly sucked down a 20 ounce mocha in two great big drawls and the caffeine just hits the blood and you feel like you can do anything. Anything in the world. Lift a car off a toddler. Run a marathon. Clean your entire house.
Yeah? Well reading this book isn't like that. Robin Carr is a slightly-edgier version of Debbie Macomber. A book you'd give your grandmother or share with your Christian neighbor. That's not a dig. I don't want to read hardcore fiction all the time. I don't always want to read about a young twenty-something who loses her job but rediscovers the love of her life. I don't always want to read about hardcore vampire and werewolf sex. Sometimes I want to read a gentle romance. One where real problems happen but you know the hero and heroine are going to be together in the end. Just not today.
Today I need a defibrillator.
That being said. This was perfectly fine. Heart-warming. A perfect cuddle on the couch and read in front of a roaring fire book. Ellie Baldwin is your typical- I just strip to support my kids and I'm not really a bad person heroine. Noah Kincaid is the do-gooder who isn't absolutely perfect. These two are a good fit.
Drama: Ellie has lost her kids to her ex-husband. Despite the fast he is not their father. Worse there is something not quite right about the ex. See now this is where I was having an issue with the book and in my bitchy frame of mine I'll be honest it was irritating the crap out of me. The ex is a psycho (anyone can see that) who abuses the children and you leave them in his house of two months. Seriously? Any other time I could over-look that fact but not today. Yes, yes I know these aren't real people but still. Other than my little melt-down over her mothering skills- the book is great.
Robin Carr writes a good series and if you haven't picked her up yet you should. But start at the beginning. The early ones are better. Much better.
I have an award for you
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