So the book sat on my shelf for a good week- it looked at me- I looked at it, kind of like that really creepy Geiko commercial only without the music. I finally had to accept, it just wasn't going to happen. I gave in, returned it to the library and requested the audio version.
Audio rocked! You get to hear the real David Sedaris and he is awesomeness personified. I no longer felt the need to slam into the car in front of me on the freeway. I listened and instead was smiling, happy, laughing uproariously outloud!
I cannot even begin to describe how funny he is....his dry wit...his outrageousness. A little less scary, but just as entertaining, version of Augusten Burroughs.
From dropping a cough drop in a neighbor's lap on a long distance flight, to making coffee with water from a vase when his water is shut off, to trying to learn a foreign language, David describes each scene with such clarity you can imagine you are perched on his shoulder experiencing all with him. Listen to this book! You'll be glad you did.
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