Generally speaking- I freakin’ hate when they make movies out of books. Now-yes I am very aware Hollywood would be screwed if it were not for the literary world but still. They rarely get it right. Rarely- even the newest and latest sparkly vampire series-they didn’t get it right. The only movie better than the book- Contact by Carl Sagan.
Long ago I tried to get into the Sookie Stackhouse series. I couldn’t do it. I tried but she just seemed like the red-necked down-south poor cousin of Anita Blake. Then came True Blood. OMG, do I love this show. I’m hooked. A week doesn’t go by when I don’t need to see the next episode. It’s torture waiting for the next season.
I miss it so much; I’m actually going to read the whole series. Unfortunately my stupid library only has three. Alright FINE. All Together Dead
I miss you True Blood.
I do have to say the books are much better with the characters faces and soft southern drawls in my mind. Anna, as Sookie. Bill (even though you’re an ass in the book). Eric- Ohhhh-Eric.
In the book Sookie agrees to serve as a translator to the queen at an out-of-town vampire convention. Translator in the only way she can- mind reading various humans attending the function. Luckily Sookie’s current squeeze, the gorgeous shape shifter, Quinn will also be attending.
Lots of action (huge climatic scene), a little mystery, some light romance (Eric- Ohhhh-Eric) but perhaps most interesting – the interaction between Sookie, a young free American woman and Royals. We (Americans) are out of the habit in these short two hundred years of cow-towing to anyone. Sure we have police and judges and government. But when is the last time anyone held our lives in their hands- just because they could?
Sookie is reunited with Barry- the only other mind-reader she's ever come across. The characters are just a little bit different than the show. It's interesting to try to put them in the right place. I'm looking forward to the next. Something I couldn't have said three years ago.
I may be in love with Eric (",).
I couldn't put these books down once I'd started and ended up reading all nine in a week, lol.
Then I bought True Blood, because I had to have another fix, and I loved it, although I do prefer the books, where Eric *cue sigh* is so freaking awesome that I have to actually restrain myself from *SQUEE*ing whenever there is even just a mention of him.
I tried to watch True blood, but I couldn't make heads or tails out of it. It just seemed weird. Is it supposed to be comical or something? I didn't get it. My sister-in-law raves about it. Okay. Since you all are loving it so, I'll try again when the new season starts. When would that be by the way?
Funny, I'm the opposite. I enjoy the books but can't get into the TV show. It's too different and they've changed so much. Glad you're enjoying the books! There's lots more Eric to come. Enjoy!
I've only read the first of this series so far but love the TV shows!
Yay Eric!
I love the books and the show, but I do complain a lot about it however still watch it faithfully anyway
I'm so glad to read that you are giving the books another try because...
Eric- Ohhhh-Eric!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I think the books are 1000 times better than the show. JS.
This is are the only person besides me that has admitted not caring for this series-which makes me sad because everyone LOVES this series. But you have given me hope! I will rent True Blood watch it and try the books again. Thanks for the tip!
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