Worn by any other author, Fool
No fear- my little darlings- for he is back with the latest and greatest installment Bite Me
Top reasons why I <3 this more than bud-da:
1."So instead I kissed him within’ an inch of his life, then slapped him so he didn’t think I was his personal slut, which I totally was." (page 14)
2. "Oh my fucking-zombie-jebus-on-a-pogo-stick!"(page 3)
3. All of Page 79- the scene in the hardware store- OMG about pee'd my pants.
4. "She said no big deal. They had vampire cats in Beijing when she was girl. She said their shit is weak." "She said that?" "The idiom is different, but basically, yeah." (page 105)
5. "In my defense you're supposed to tell your BFF when you get fresh ink, so the screaming was totally over the top." (page 115)
6. "Your cross-dressing sissy-man kung-fu is no match for my superior household lightening king-fu." (page 138)
7. page 135. Back in the hardware store- only in San Francisco, guys, only in San Fran.
It's been a while, so Abby Normal spends the first few chapters catching us up, as only she can in a combo teen-emo-too old for own good on 50 espresso's torrential flood of details. Bite me is not for the faint of heart but anyone who reads the great CM on a regular basis already knows that.
Basically Bite Me is a raucous, righteous, fun time and well-worthy of a CM Gold Standard.
Thanks, I am really looking forward to this one! Thanks for the comments on my blog and good luck in the contest -- also glad you watch Castle -- I love that show and want everyone to watch it so it stays on the air ; )
Both LKH and CM are great and I have added their names to my list of authors to contact to try to get signed books for a raffle I will be having in may
OK, now I loved Fool. But I'm glad you think Bite Me is great too since I have that one here to read after I tackle You Suck.
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